
Graft Numbers in Hair Transplant

Graft numbers hair transplant

One of the first questions hair transplant patients ask is “How many grafts will be transplanted?” Let’s explore the importance of graft numbers in hair transplants.

Where are the grafts harvested from?

In a hair transplant procedure the grafts to be transplanted are harvested from the back of the head which is known as the donor area. The grafts in the donor area are not receptive to the dihydrotestosterone hormone. This hormone is the main cause of male pattern hair loss. The grafts harvested from the donor area will be permanent. Because the hairs on the other parts of the body are not strong and lasting it is not preferable for hair transplants in FKS Clinic


How to determine the appropriate graft number?

On the day of the operation, patients have a consultation with the doctors in FKS CLinic. The treatment plan is based on the wishes of the patient and the recommendations of our doctors. The graft number is determined according to the potential of the donor area and the requirement of the recipient area. 

One graft may contain multiple hair strands. Most grafts have 1, 2 or 3 hair strands in them. This means that as much as the graft number, the hair strands in each graft can be determinant for the results. The density can be more satisfactory for patients who can produce grafts with multiple hair strands.

Does the clinic with the highest graft estimate have the best results?

Hair transplant is the leading field in health tourism. However, unrealistic estimates can mislead patients who are looking for quality hair transplants. This is why we recommend patients choose clinics with operating doctors and reasonable estimates. Some clinics may give unrealistic graft number estimates such as 6000-7000. But an experienced and knowledgeable doctor would not give such unrealistic estimates.

Your hair is only safe in the hands of experts

As we mentioned, the number of hair strands is as important as the number of grafts. It requires skill and experience to harvest grafts with multiple hairs without causing any damage. For this reason, it is very important that the surgical team has the required experience. Focusing merely on the graft number can distract patients from these crucial criterias.

Do the harvested grafts grow back?

We have mentioned that the grafts are harvested from the donor area. These grafts will not be growing back as they are removed along with their roots. You can read the “Will the grafts grow back?” article and learn more about that topic. It is very important to carry out the harvesting without damaging the donor area. Estimating the graft numbers too high and inevitably causing empty patches in the donor area is likely to lead to an unsuccessful procedure.

FKS Clinic surgeon Gizem Yarimbas says: “It is very important that the patient is aware of the maximum expectations and limitations of their own hair type. It is essential for me to listen to my patient’s needs carefully, and to be totally honest regarding their expectations. We prepare a treatment that is closest to the expectations of the patient without jeopardizing their health. 

If you want to have a hair transplant, please fill out our enquiry form and book a free consultation with one of our doctors.

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