
Can transplanted hair fall out again?

The best thing about a hair transplant procedure is the fact that the transplanted hair will stay with you forever. During your pre-operative consultation, your doctor will examine your donor area which is the back of your head. The area with the strongest hair will be determined and marked. This careful examination and marking eliminate any risk of transplanted hair falling out.

Harvesting the right grafts

The side and back of the head have no hormone receptors, so hair loss is not observed here. Most commonly, hair loss occurs in the front and top parts of the scalp. This is called male pattern hair loss. But it can be experienced by females too. For this reason, the hair to be transplanted in hair transplantation operations is taken from the back and from the sides of the head. In this way, hair loss after hair transplantation is completely prevented. So your transplanted hair will not fall out again.

What is shock loss?

The 1st year after the hair transplant is a recovery period consisting of different stages. One of these stages is the shock loss period. Three or four weeks after the surgery hair transplant patients start losing hair. This is a totally expected occurrence. Approximately three months after completing this stage, permanent hairs begin to grow slowly. The growth stage continues for 12 months on average.

A loss of hair can occur in the areas that weren’t transplanted. This may be confused with the hair in transplanted areas too. This is called the shock loss period and it is temporary. Shock loss can also occur in the donor area where the grafts were taken.

For a healthy hair transplant operation:

  • You should take your medication prescribed by the doctor as instructed
  • Recommended shampoos and lotions should be used as instructed
  • After the hair transplantation for the first two weeks transplanted hair should not be scratched. Even if it feels itchy from time to time, it’s best to resist the temptation. For more advice please read the Itching and Pimples article
  • After the hair transplant, shaving the hair with an electric shaver is damaging to the grafts. Also, hair dyes should not be used for 6 months.
  • In the first week, hot showers should be avoided.
  • In the first 15 days, any trauma to the head should be avoided. Transplanted hairs should be protected from external factors such as dust and direct sun rays.
  • Smoking and alcohol should be avoided as much as possible during the recovery process after the operation.
  • Continue taking your previously prescribed medications regularly, especially if you have chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, or thyroid.

For more detailed information, you can apply to FKS Clinic by filling out the free doctor consultation form.

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