
Hair transplant for women

The popularity of hair transplants for women is increasing on a daily basis. Female hair transplants make up approximately 10% of our hair transplant operations. Females generally experience a more complex hair loss and thinning process than male-type hair loss. When it comes to hair transplants for women consultation with a doctor is critically necessary to prepare a treatment plan for female patients too. It is important that the doctor and the patient are informed about the aetiology of the hair loss problem. 

The following aspects should be assessed:

  • Thyroid Fonction
  • Iron deficiency
  • Genetic history
  • Immunologic factors

In the case of hair transplants for women, it is crucial to evaluate and identify these particular factors. If deemed necessary by the doctor, a blood test may be required before undergoing a female hair transplant operation.

Planning and preparation of hair transplant for women

Creating a treatment plan and performing a hair transplant for women is a more complex process compared to male patients. The underlying issues should be addressed first. It might be useful to illustrate this importance with a pool example. The process of filling up your bald areas with hair is similar to filling up a pool. Having underlying causes for hair loss will have the same effect as pulling the plug at the bottom of the pool to drain the water. Before we begin filling the pool, we must plug the hole at the bottom.

The health issue causing hair loss must be treated first, as suggested by the above example. Depending on the patient’s needs, a hair transplant or PRP treatment can be selected. Consequently, you can have dense, healthy hair.

If you are interested in having a hair transplant fill out our form to book a free consultation.